Dividend Imputation
Dividend imputation and franking credits available on shares in Australia
Dividend imputation and franking credits available on shares in Australia
By 'best' I mean lowest cost to you as an investor. Diferent brokers charge various fees on the ASX and US markets for shares and ETFs. Therefore I've highlighted the best broker(s) for each of these four categories. Best for U.S. Shares Service % fees*
You are the only person responsible for your financial future. If it all goes belly up the buck ultimately stops with you. Even if you have been given dodgy advice from a financial manager, it’s your responsibility to do your homework and take responsibility for your investment choices. No
Did you know that a seemingly small fee of just 1% on your investments can result in you losing more than 20% of your balance over 40 years, and that a 1.5% fee can result in you being deprived of around 30% of your investment over the same time!
Recently the Murray Report found that Australian’s are paying double the fees of other Western countries for their retirement. That’s costing us $20 billion dollars each year! Why are Aussies being so badly ripped-off? Well we could blame the superannuation funds for slugging consumers with hidden high fees
How you ask? From the superannuation co-contribution. How do I qualify? 1. Earn less than $49,488 2. Have 10% of your income from employment activities How does it work? The government put in 50c for every $1 you contribute this financial year, up to this maximum of $500. So
A friend asked me to look at www.australianethical.com.au for your superannuation, I wasn’t very impressed. Maybe ethical for companies, but what about retirees? 1 – Fees are too high : MySuper balanced option total fees are (1.134%). The lowest fees are Hostplus – indexed balanced option (0.03%
Using a mortgage broker can really help if you are not PAYG and you may get a lower interest rate than going direct.