Best online investment services in Australia

Best online investment services in Australia
Photo by Austin Distel / Unsplash

By 'best' I mean lowest cost to you as an investor. Diferent brokers charge various fees on the ASX and US markets for shares and ETFs. Therefore I've highlighted the best broker(s) for each of these four categories.

Best for U.S. Shares

Service % fees*
Interactive Brokers $1000 - 0.14%
$2000 - 0.07%
$3000 - 0.05%
$5000 - 0.03%
$10000 - 0.03%
$50000 - 0.03%

*Percentage costs take into account brokerage AND foreign currency (FX) conversion fees

Best for Australian shares (ASX)

Service % fees
Betashares Direct* 0%

*300+ Australian shares

Best for Australian based (ASX) ETFs

Service % fees
Betashares Direct 0%
Webull 0%

Best for U.S. based ETFs

Service % fees
Webull 0%

I've based my recomendations on the excellent data gathered by Passive Investing Australia. However Passive Investing Australia in no endorses my recommendations and we are not affiliated in any way.